Welcome to the writerey documentation!¶
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Are you new to writerey? Please refer to the installation guide. Already installed? Check out our Get Started Guide!
You don't know what writerey is? Head over to our homepage to find out more about the app.
WARNING: Development paused indefinitely!¶
It turned out that the technology writerey was initially build on doesn't serve it's vision in a efficient and performant way. To fix this, a rebuild would be necessary - an undertaking that requires a huge amount of dedication and time. Due to changed private circumstances it is unlikely that we'll come around to in fact reimplement writiereys editor mechanism. Therefore, further development of writerey is paused and it is open if we will ever return to this project.
Attention Attention: Still in Beta¶
Please be aware that writerey is still in development and did not hit v1.0 yet. Some things are broken, some are incomplete, some are simply not available yet.
To find out what to expect in future, head over to our Roadmap.
Do you have questions? Open an issue.