This section explains how you can get involved in the development of writerey and set up a local development environment.
Just want to use the app? Go to the installation guide to learn how to set it up for end users.
Set up a development environment (Windows)¶
Please note that you need Python 3 and Node.js (>= 12) installed on your machine.
- Clone the repository and navigate into the repository via CLI
- Install JS dependencies with
npm i
- Install pipenv with
pip install pipenv
- Install python dependencies with
pipenv install
- Open a terminal and start the server with
npm run flask
- Open another terminal and start the ui with
ng serve
(if that is not working, usenpm run ng serve
) - Ready! Visit
to open up the app
Set up a development environment (Unix)¶
If not already available, install pip, node.js (>= 12) and npm: sudo apt install git nodejs npm python3-pip
- Clone the repository and navigate into the repository via terminal
- Install JS dependencies with
npm i
- Install pipenv with
pip3 install pipenv
- Install python dependencies with
~/.local/bin/pipenv install
- Open a terminal and start the server with
npm run unix:flask
- Open another terminal and start the ui with
ng serve
(if that is not working, usenpm run ng serve
) - Ready! Visit
to open up the app
Note: If you are a unix person and think this can be done easier, we'd highly appreciate your feedback! Open up an documentation issue on Github and tell us how we can do better.
Git features as part of the app¶
Please be aware that some features currently don't work like expected in development environment. Since the project itself is managed by git, the sub folder is ignored to not commit test data, which leads to some conflicts when trying to commit as part of the application. To have a real test environment, please build the app as executeable.
Nonfunctioning are currently (list is maybe incomplete):
- Deletion
- Snapshotting
- Tagging
Build a executable for your environment¶
writerey is build with electron-forge. To build a executable for your target system, do the following:
- Clone the repository and navigate into the repository via CLI
- Install JS dependencies with
npm i
- Trigger building and packaging with
npm run build-make
If you want to build the application for a non-windows platform, please refer to the electron-forge documentation to configure a appropiate maker.
Build documentation¶
This very documentation is build via MkDocs. Getting it running locally only requires a few steps.
- Make sure you have python dependencies installed
cd documentation/
mkdocs build
For developing the documentation, run cd documentation/ && mkdocs serve
to start a hot reload server.