Showcase basic syntax of DQL and JS Inline Queries
Basic Inline Queries¶
Inline Queries: Use cases and Limitations
Unlike a normal dataview block with three backticks, dataview inline queries are, like the name suggests, for the inline usage in text, headlines or similar to dynamically display values in the flow of your note instead of requiring a isolated block for them.
Inline Queries always yield exactly one value. Given that, it is not possible to perform page collecting operations with them - Query types cannot be used inside Inline Queries. Instead, they use expressions.
This is an inline query - view in source mode to see the code: =
Dataview JS Inline Queries
DataviewJS Inline Queries in the contrary have everything available that a dataviewjs
block can use, making them immensively powerful. They need to be explicitly activated in the Dataviews Options.
This is an inline query - view in source mode to see the code: $= dv.current()
Showing file properties and meta data¶
Created: = this.file.ctime
Last Edited: = this.file.mtime
Description of the page: = this.description
Displaying a multi value field: = this.multivalue
Use dataview functions¶
Dataview functions are available in inline queries.
Lets better trim this description down to "= truncate(this.description, 20, "...")
" - it's enough to see the start.
Check if important meta data is set
description: = choice(contains(this, "description"), "Set", "Missing!")
topics: = choice(contains(this, "topics"), "Set", "Missing!")
someOtherField: = choice(contains(this, "someOtherField"), "Set", "Missing!")
Access meta data of other files¶
While you cannot write Queries in the traditional sense, you can still access concrete links and their properties.
The "= [Learn the Basics](<../30 Dataview Resources/33 Use Cases/Learn the>)
" Use Case exists since = [Learn the Basics](<../30 Dataview Resources/33 Use Cases/Learn the>).file.ctime
and contains = length([Learn the Basics](<../30 Dataview Resources/33 Use Cases/Learn the>).file.outlinks)
outlinks - = choice(length(filter([Learn the Basics](<../30 Dataview Resources/33 Use Cases/Learn the>).file.outlinks, (x) => meta(x).path = this.file.path)), "including one to this file", "but none to this file")
Formatting inline queries¶
Inline Queries are treaten as text
You can format an inline query like you'd format normal text.
Today is = date(today)
, and it's = dateformat(date(now), "HH:MM")
This file title is "=
Last edited: = this.file.mtime
Using a inline query as a meta data value¶
Calculate a meta data field
You can assign inline queries to a meta data field to use this calculation on other places, i.e. in a regular dataview query.
existsSince:: = date(now) - this.file.ctime
LIST existsSince
WHERE existsSince
Inline DataviewJS
With the help of Inline DataviewJS queries, you can even assign complete queries to a meta data field. This is a rather advanced technique, though.
allAuthorsInVault:: $= dv.pages('"10 Example Data/books"').groupBy(p =>
LIST allAuthorsInVault
WHERE allAuthorsInVault