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Showcase basic syntax of TASK Queries

Basic Task Queries


Relationship between Tasks and Pages

The TASK query type is special, because unlike all other query types (LIST, TABLE, CALENDAR) TASK does not operate on page level but on task level. If a page contains three tasks, you'll get back three results instead of one, like you'd get with any other query type. This allows us to filter for task specific properties, like included tags, meta data or text. Be aware though, that every task inherits all properties from the page it's in. Read more about how task queries behave and what for information you have available.

List tasks from a folder

FROM "10 Example Data/assignments"

List tasks from a tag

FROM #next

Combine multiple tags

FROM #clientC OR #clientB

Combine multiple folders

FROM "10 Example Data/assignments" OR "10 Example Data/games"

Combine tags and folders

FROM "10 Example Data/assignments" AND #later  

List all tasks, everywhere

Add dataview to code block

The output of this is pretty long. If you want to see it, add dataview to the code block - like on the examples above!



List only open tasks

FROM "10 Example Data/assignments"
WHERE !completed

Group tasks by file

FROM "10 Example Data/assignments"

Show tasks that have a certain tag

FROM "10 Example Data/assignments"
WHERE contains(tags, "#later")

Show tasks with a due date (a task-located meta data field)

Meta data on task level

You can add meta data on tasks via the inline meta data syntax, i.e. [duedate:: 2022-09-09] - or [contact:: Petro]. Just be sure to wrap it into square brackets, so that data view can interpret it correctly.

FROM "10 Example Data/assignments"
WHERE duedate

Sort task after completion date

Only possible with designated meta data

A task does not know its completion date out of the box. In order to query for it, you need to add it to the task as an inline meta data field. Dataview provides an automatism for this: In the dataview options, at the very bottom, activate "Automatic Task Completion Date" to automatically append a completion date when checking a task.
Basic_Task_Queries_completion_screenshot.png{ width="500" }
Attention! Dataview can only add this information if you check a task inside a dataview output - meaning inside a TASK Query!

FROM "10 Example Data/assignments"
WHERE completed
SORT completion

Advanced usage

Do you want to see more advanced examples? Head over to the Query Type Overview to see all available TASK queries in the vault!