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display and resize images in dataview tables.

Display images in a dataview table

Tip - Setting image size

When returning an embeded image link in a dataview query, dataview will interpret an numeric display name alias as an image size. For example:
- [anyName](image-link) will display the image at it natural largest size.
- [anyname|50](image-link) will display the image at a size of 50.
Note: This []() format only works for external images, and for internal images where you specify the full hard-drive path to the image file. For relative internal links, see #Basic - Internal Images.

Basic - External Images

Link to a online image file saved as YAML

Cover-Img: ""
TABLE author as "Author", genres as "Genres", 
      "![anyName|50](" + cover-img + ")" AS "Cover"
FROM "10 Example Data/books"

Basic - Internal Images

Warning - Internal Image Links

Internal links are usually stored as relative paths within the vault, making the previous []() approach impractical for sizing internal images (because it requires the full hard-drive path to the image).
This means a different approach must be used for internal links. Below is one possible (simple) method, although this method reduces flexibilty by hard-coding the size of the image into the metadata field itself. An alternative approach is outlined further below in #Internal Images - meta path approach.

cover-img: "![[Some Internal Image.jpg|500]]"
TABLE test-internal AS ""


Internal Images - using the meta path approach

Warning - Internal Image Links

Because internal links are stored as relative paths within the vault, it is impractical to use the []() approach; and likewise it can be limiting to hard-code the embed information in the image link itself.

To avoid this, an embeded link to an internal resource can be reverse enginered by using `meta(...).path` as follows:
` embed(link(meta(cover-img).path, "50"))`
cover-img: "[[Some Internal Image.jpg]]"
TABLE embed(link(meta(test-internal2).path, "500")) AS ""

Mixed Images

Help - I have a mixture of image sources!

The code below combines the most flexible two methods above; allowing both internal and external images to be handled within the same query.

The code is not pretty - so only use this approach if you know you will encounter mixed image sources. And if you find a cleaner method - let us know!
cover-img: "[[Some Internal Image.jpg]]"

# OR

cover-img: ""
TABLE author, genres, EmbededCoverImg as ""
FROM "10 Example Data/books"
FLATTEN choice(typeof(cover-img)="link",
    ).path, "50")), "![anyName|50](" + cover-img + ")") AS EmbededCoverImg