Display metadata of a certain week as emojis (i.e. for habit tracking)
Display metadata of a week as emjois (habit tracking)¶
TABLE choice(praying, "💚", "➖") AS Praying, choice(breathing, "💚", "➖") AS breathing, choice(beingthankful, "💚", "➖") AS "being thankful", choice(slowdown, "💚", "➖") AS "slow down"
FROM "10 Example Data/dailys"
WHERE wellbeing.mood > 0 AND date(file.day).weekyear = 2
Add the mood of the day as a smiley
TABLE choice(wellbeing.mood = 1, "😢", choice(wellbeing.mood = 2 or wellbeing.mood = 3, "😐", choice(wellbeing.mood > 3, "😃", ""))) as Mood, choice(praying, "💚", "➖") AS Praying, choice(breathing, "💚", "➖") AS breating, choice(beingthankful, "💚", "➖") AS "being thankful", choice(slowdown, "💚", "➖") AS "slow down"
FROM "10 Example Data/dailys"
WHERE wellbeing.mood > 0 AND date(file.day).weekyear = 2