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Showcase the various possible usages of the GROUP BY data command

Example GROUP BY Queries


Effect of GROUP BY

Initially, a dataview results yields the pages you receive from your FROM and WHERE arguments as results - one "row", one result item, per note. When a GROUP BY is applied to a Query, you bundle up all pages after the field you're grouping by. This has two implications:
First, after a GROUP BY, you have as many results as the field you grouped by has values.
Secondly, the result pages are not your "first level" anymore, but the group is. When listing out a grouped query, you will not receive the files anymore, but the groups.

FROM "10 Example Data/books"
GROUP BY author

Working with grouped pages

A grouped result list is made up of result items that look like this:
Key: Value of the field you used in GROUP BY
rows: All pages that match Key
Before grouping, every note was a result item and was the Key. After grouping, your file informations are bundled up under the group value as key under the field rows. That means you need to use rows as a prefix when listing informations.

FROM "10 Example Data/books"
GROUP BY author


When pages match multiple groups

Duplication of entries

If a page matches multiple groups, dataview will duplicate the page for you to put it in every matching group. Therefor, pages can show up multiple times in a grouped result list.

Why do we need to use FLATTEN here first?

In order to get decent groups, we need to FLATTEN the multi value field genres first. Read more about that in Example FLATTEN Queries#Group by a flattened field

FROM "10 Example Data/books"
FLATTEN genres
GROUP BY genres

Use a calculation as a group

It's also possible to use a calculation as a group, not only a plain field.
FROM "10 Example Data/assignments"
GROUP BY choice(due < date(today), "Overdue", "Still has time")

In addition, you can name this calculation to reference it further in your query.

TABLE WITHOUT ID progress + "%" AS "% read",
FROM "10 Example Data/books"
GROUP BY round((pagesRead/totalPages) * 100) as progress
WHERE progress > 50 AND progress < 100

Group by literals to trim down your result to exactly one result

Beside calculations and fields, you can use a [literal]( - a fixed value - as a group. This will always result into **one group** and can be useful in certain scenarios, i.e. if you want to calculate a sum or average of your data.
The literal itself is used as the group name, but doesn't matter otherwise. You can use it to declare a senseful prefix or omit it completely by using `WITHOUT ID`.
LIST length(rows) 
FROM "10 Example Data/books"
GROUP BY "Total Books in Obsidian"

More Examples

Do you want to see more examples how GROUP BY can be used? Head over to Queries by Data Command#GROUPBY to see all queries in this vault that use GROUP BY.