Display Files grouped after metadata where one felt discomfort
Group files by meta data¶
TABLE rows.file.link, rows.wellbeing.pain-type
FROM #daily
WHERE wellbeing.mood-notes = "discomfort"
GROUP BY wellbeing.pain
Add better readable table headers
TABLE WITHOUT ID row.key AS "Pain", rows.file.link AS "Dailys", rows.wellbeing.pain-type AS "Type of Pain"
FROM #daily
WHERE wellbeing.mood-notes = "discomfort"
GROUP BY wellbeing.pain
Replace pain numbers with textual information
TABLE WITHOUT ID choice(row.key = 0, "None", choice(row.key = 1, "Little", choice(row.key = 2, "Middle", choice(row.key = 3, "High", row.key)))) AS "Pain", rows.file.link AS "Dailys", rows.wellbeing.pain-type AS "Type of Pain"
FROM #daily
WHERE wellbeing.mood-notes = "discomfort"
GROUP BY wellbeing.pain