Query a folder structure with the help of meta files and display the per ID interconnected information in a table
Contributed by mnvwvnm and dbarenholz#2331
Query meta files to construct information out of a folder structure¶
If language info is redundant saved in the meta file
TABLE rows.lang, rows.Title AS Title
FROM "10 Example Data/Folder Structure and Meta Files"
WHERE file.name = "meta"
FLATTEN split(file.folder, "/")[length(split(file.folder, "/")) - 1] AS Title
If language info should be extracted from path
Vulnerable to changes of folder structure
Extracting the language from the folder path requires to know the exact position of the language folder - in our case, it's the third layer (First: 10 Example Data, Second: Folder Structure and Meta Files). If this is to change, the query won't show the correct result anymore.
TABLE rows.Language AS Language, rows.Title AS Title
FROM "10 Example Data/Folder Structure and Meta Files"
WHERE file.name = "meta"
FLATTEN split(file.folder, "/")[length(split(file.folder, "/")) - 1] AS Title
FLATTEN split(file.folder, "/")[2] AS Language
Add link to meta file while keeping ID information¶
TABLE WITHOUT ID link, rows.lang, rows.Title AS Title
FROM "10 Example Data/Folder Structure and Meta Files"
WHERE file.name = "meta"
FLATTEN split(file.folder, "/")[length(split(file.folder, "/")) - 1] AS Title
FLATTEN link(rows.file[0].path, id) AS link
Beautify language information out of meta file¶
TABLE rows.Language AS Language, rows.Title AS Title
FROM "10 Example Data/Folder Structure and Meta Files"
WHERE file.name = "meta"
FLATTEN split(file.folder, "/")[length(split(file.folder, "/")) - 1] AS Title
FLATTEN ((x) => { EN: "English", FR: "French", DE: "German" }[x])(lang) AS Language
Use languages as columns¶
TABLE WITHOUT ID filter(rows, (r) => r.lang = "FR").Title AS French, filter(rows, (r) => r.lang = "EN").Title AS English, filter(rows, (r) => r.lang = "DE").Title AS German
FROM "10 Example Data/Folder Structure and Meta Files"
WHERE file.name = "meta"
FLATTEN split(file.folder, "/")[length(split(file.folder, "/")) - 1] AS Title
Javascript solution that automatically adds new languages when available in folder structure¶
Vulnerable to changes of folder structure
Extracting the language from the folder path requires to know the exact position of the language folder - in our case, it's the third layer (First: 10 Example Data, Second: Folder Structure and Meta Files). If this is to change, the query won't show the correct result anymore.
// Grab the folder
// If you type it manually it should be a string: "folder"
const folder = "10 Example Data/Folder Structure and Meta Files"
// Grab all pages from the desired folder
const allPages = dv.pages(`"${folder}"`)
// Get all languages from there into a set, and then as array.
// This will work for _any_ number of languages
let languages = new Set()
allPages.forEach((p) => {
const lang = p.file.folder.split("/")[2]
if (lang) {
languages = dv.array(Array.from(languages))
// TODO: Define your language mapping here!
// The code uses the folder names for displaying, but I need to be able to match
// What's in the meta file to the folder name.
const langMap = {
'EN': "English",
'DE': "German",
'FR': "French"
// The headers of the table are the different languages
const headers = languages
// Keep data array with following information
id: book-id,
titles: [
lang: language-code,
title: book-title
let data = []
allPages.forEach((p) => {
// Grab the title, language, and ID
const title = p.file.folder.split("/")[p.file.folder.split("/").length - 1]
const lang = p.lang
const id = p.id
// Add everything to "data" in a smart way
if (lang && id && title) {
const IDs = data.map(e => e.id)
if (IDs.contains(id)) {
console.log(`Data has id: ${id} at index: ${IDs.indexOf(id)}`)
const toAdd = {lang: lang, title: title}
} else {
console.log(`Data has no ID: ${id}; creating new entry`)
const newEntry = {
id: id,
titles: [ { lang: lang, title: title } ]
// Create table elements from the data we saved above
const elems = data
// Get to the titles
.map( (dataEntry) => { return dataEntry.titles })
.map( (titleEntry) => {
// Build a single table row
let items = []
// Loop through all titles & langs
// making sure that entries are in the correct column
titleEntry.forEach((title) => {
languages.forEach((lang) => {
if (lang == langMap[title.lang]) {
// The title should be placed in the row at this position
return items
// Make the actual table
dv.table(headers, elems)