Show a average row for numeric values and durations
Show an average row on tables for numeric values or durations¶
// Paste your DQL for the table here:
const query = `TABLE praying, training, situps, steps
FROM "10 Example Data/dailys"
WHERE = 2`
// change the name of the total row, if you like:
const nameOfTotalRow = "Avg";
// change how many digits you want to see after comma
const digitAfterComma = 1;
// you don't need to touch this, normally.
// get the data from the query above
let DQL = await dv.tryQuery(query);
const sums = [nameOfTotalRow];
// for each header (except the first one, which is "File")...
for (let i = 1; i < DQL.headers.length; i++) {
let sum = 0;
let count = 0;
const dataType = getDatatypeOfColumn(i, DQL.values)
// check if we have a calculateable datatype - if not, skip the column
if (!["number", "duration"].includes(dataType)) {
// ... and for each row ...
for (let k = 0; k < DQL.values.length; k++) {
// get the current cell (row k and column i) and add it to the sum, if set
let currentValue = DQL.values[k][i];
if (currentValue) {
sum += currentValue;
let avg = sum ? (sum / count).toFixed(digitAfterComma) : "";
sums.push(dataType === "duration" ? dv.luxon.Duration.fromMillis(avg) : avg);
function getDatatypeOfColumn(columnNo, values) {
let i = 0;
let datatype;
while (i < DQL.values[0].length && (!datatype || datatype === "null")) {
datatype = dv.func.typeof(DQL.values[i][columnNo])
return datatype;
// add a divider line for visual distinction between the query and the sums (thanks, Jillard!), add both to the table data
let hrArray = Array(DQL.headers.length).fill('<hr style="padding:0; margin:0 -10px;">');
//print the table
dv.table(DQL.headers, DQL.values)