Insert tags to query page
const dvApi = app.plugins.plugins.dataview.api;
const dataviewRegex = /(dataview(?:js)?)(.+?)
const currFile = app.workspace.getActiveFile();
const content = (await app.vault.cachedRead(currFile)).split("%% === end of query page === %%")[0];
const datacommands = ["LIST", "TABLE", "TASK", "CALENDAR", "FROM", "WHERE", "FLATTEN", "SORT", "GROUP BY"];
const tags = [];
let tagprefix = "#dv/"
if (content.match(/\$= [^
]+/)) {
tags.push(tagprefix + 'inlinejs')
if (content.match(/
\= [^]+
/)) {
tags.push(tagprefix + 'inline')
const queries = content.matchAll(dataviewRegex);
for (let query of queries) {
const type = query[1];
query = query[2];
if (type === 'dataview') {
datacommands.forEach(datacommand => {
if (query.includes(datacommand)) {
tags.push(${tagprefix}${datacommand.replace(/\s/, '')}
// we only want to add this tag once, no need to check for the data command again here or in other queries
datacommands.splice(datacommands.indexOf(datacommand), 1)
const functions = query.matchAll(/([a-zA-Z]+)(/g);
addFunctionsTags(functions, tags)
} else {
tagprefix = "#dvjs/"
const functions = query.matchAll(/dv\.([a-zA-Z]+)/g)
addFunctionsTags(functions, tags)
tR += tags.reduce((acc, curr) => ${acc} ${curr}
, "")
function addFunctionsTags(functions) {
for (let fn of functions) {
function addTag(subtag) {
const tag = ${tagprefix}${subtag}
if (!tags.contains(tag)) tags.push(tag)