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Search for a word or combination of words in your notes complete content, not only meta data!

Contributed by erazlogo and mnvwvnm

Search for words in your files content across your vault


Crawling file content of all queried files

This query goes beyond the regular boundaries of dataview by crawling the raw file content. That means you can search for words independent of their usage in tags or meta data. Crawling the page content can be a memory intense operation, so it's important to use a path or tag in dv.pages() to avoid iterating over the whole vault. Except your computer can stand that, of course. 😉

const word = "Queries" // <-- Type your search between the ""

// We need to double-escape \b here so it's correctly fed into RegExp after the concationation (as "\b" and not as "b").
const regex = new RegExp("\\b" + word + "\\b", "gi")
// Query pages and crawl their raw data content 
const pages = await Promise.all(
    dv.pages('"30 Dataview Resources"')
    .map(async (page) => {
        const content = await;
        // Map pages to a custom object - if you want to have more infos in the
        // table below, you need to add them here!
        return {
            count: ( content.match(regex) || []).length
// Render the result table 
        ["Note", `Matches for "${word}"`],
            .filter(p => p.count)
            .sort((a, b) => b.count - a.count)
            .map(p => [, p.count])  


Display matching lines and surrounding words for context

Increasing number of surrounding words

To see more surrounding words, increase the second number in the regular expression in the curly brackets. You can set it i.e. to {0,5} to see up to five surrounding words.

const word = "but"

const regex = new RegExp("(\\S+\\s?){0,2}(\\b"+word+"\\b)(\\s\\S+){0,2}", "gi")
const pages = await Promise.all(
    dv.pages('"30 Dataview Resources"')
    .map(async (page) => {
        const content = await;
        const matches = content.match(regex);
        return {
            count: ( matches || []).length,

        ["Note", "Count", `Matches for "${word}"`],
            .filter(p => p.count)
            .sort((a, b) => b.count - a.count)
            .map(p => [, p.count, p.matches])  