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Remove a suffix or prefix from a filename delimited with certain characters

Remove a suffix from listed file names


If you have another character or character sequence that is delimiting your suffix, you need to exchange the `--` of the regular expressions . Here a few examples:
If your delimiter is "\_\_" use `regexreplace(, "__.*$", "")`
If your delimiter is "{" use `regexreplace(, "{.*$", "")`
If your delimiter is "--!" use `regexreplace(, "--\!.*$", "")`
LIST WITHOUT ID link(, regexreplace(, "--.*$", ""))
FROM "10 Example Data/prefixes and suffixes"


Replace a prefix instead

Adjusted examples (see callout above): "^.*__", "^.*{", "^.*--\!"

LIST WITHOUT ID link(, regexreplace(, "^.*_", ""))
FROM "10 Example Data/prefixes and suffixes"

Replace prefix and suffix

LIST WITHOUT ID link(, regexreplace(regexreplace(, "^.*_", ""), "--.*$", ""))
FROM "10 Example Data/prefixes and suffixes"