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This page is a fancy setup for notes you want to make on music videos. It renders song information and embeds a youtube video.

Contributed by Daniel.

Discord: dbarenholz#2331
Find me here.

$=dv.span(dv.current().artist) - $=dv.span(dv.current().title)

[!info]- Song Information
title:: Never Gonna Give You Up
artist:: Rick Astley
vocalist:: Rick Astley
album:: Whenever You Need Somebody
number:: 1


const me = dv.current()
dv.span(`The song *${me.title}*, composed by *${me.artist}* and sung by *${me.vocalist}* is number *${me.number}* of the album *${me.album}*. A video is shown below.`)
dv.span(`<iframe width="560" height="315" src="${}?modestbranding=1&hl=en&persist" title="${me.artist} - ${me.title}" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>`)